ICS Decoder for iCopy-X accessory allows for iCS decoding and cloning. Until now, cloning of SE and SEO-S has been impossible. However most systems still have legacy card acceptance enabled in their configuration. This device combination can decode SE and SEO-S cards, and then generate an new card with legacy encoding.
ICS Decoder for iCopy-X For pentesters, this exposes an entirely new in-scope attack surface. Likewise, LEA can use the device to make rapid clones in the field of a previously impossible badge type.
The decoder will only work for target systems that are configured to accept legacy cards. This is the default configuration.
This technique will not work on all iCLASS SE® readers. Coverage is approximate 85%.
The decoder is an accessory – it requires an iCopy-X.
Comes with:
1x decoder
3x Compatible Blank Cards (One-Time-Write) – iCL (legacy), iCE (elite), iCS (SE/SEO-S)
1x USB Type-C to Type-C cable
Setup is quick and simple
Plug the decoder into the iCS Decoder for iCopy-X using the provided USB-C Cable. The device will be automatically recognized. If it is not recognized after 5 seconds, unplug and replug the device.
Place the target card on the decoder.
The iCopy-X will decode the card, and display the CSN, Facility Code and Card Number.
Disconnect the iCS Decoder.
The iCopy-X will prompt for a compatible tag (“iCS”)
Place the blank card on the iCopy-X, and proceed with the write.
0.5 lbs
3 × 5 × 1.5 in
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